Cooperation with Mellstory

Join Mellstory for collaboration! We invite you to create content together with us for placement on platforms.

  • Reels
    Instagram icon
  • Shorts
    Shorts icon
  • Tik-Tok
    TikTok icon

Double your earnings

  • 1
    Special terms
    Cooperation terms:
    Insert visible domain in your Melstroy videos and earn even more:
    • 100,000 views: $10
    • 500,000 views: $50
    • 1,000,000 views: $100
    Payment process
    To receive payment for your content, contact your manager:
    Questions: @mellsupport
    Submitting videos for payment: @mellsupport
  • 2
    Standard tariff
    Cooperation terms:
    Make edits with Melstroy and earn according to the tariff:
    • 100,000 views: $20
    • 500,000 views: $100
    • 1,000,000 views: $200
    Payment process
    To receive payment for your content, contact moderators:
    Questions: @moderatortik2
    Submitting videos for payment: @moderatortik